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Friday, March 6, 2015


Who the Hell knows or cares?

Now....after posting a photo of one of our beautiful sunrises, I'm going to deal with a problem I had this year---my hair.
 Not many people have the interest in my hair as I do and that's to be understood!
I left Portland near the end of October without getting my hair cut and/or styled. I then got a cut around mid-November which removed a lot of the perm in my hair.
 So, there I was left with a mop getting longer and looking messier.

First week on the beach.
Haircut after 1st month on the beach.

 After another 3 and 1/2 months of hair growth and no perm, my "do" was a mass of straw--I was trying
to wait until I got back home to do anything about it. We heard that Pat, the hairdresser from Montana, was at the next beach to the north, so I got an appt. I explained to him that I had no perm and could he cut it in a style that I could maintain until I got home.
 So I post pictures of what he did!!!

So....what do you think? I think it's a keeper myself!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

ROCK GARDEN                                                                                                                      It's a matter of balance.
Photo by Steve Simpson.

Earlier this year someone started stacking rocks in unusual ways along the access road to the south end of Coyote beach.  Here are some examples:

I am particularly fond of the arches that someone put together. They look easy but I'm sure that more than one person has to be involved.