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Sunday, February 7, 2021


                    FICKLE FINGER OF FATE         


 This was our camp set up which we agreed was getting to be too much work for us.  So the plan was
to sell everything except the car and rent a place we found on Posada.  However, in January, Bob
began having difficulty breathing at times and retaining water.  In February, we were going to
Loreto to spend the weekend but stopped in at Dr. Fernando's so he could do a quick check. He
checked Bob's heart rate, saturation level, and blood pressure.  With a horrified look on his face,
he demanded that I drive Bob to La Paz (5 hour drive) to a cardiologist.  He thought Bob had a
blocked artery.  We got to the cardiologists office about 6 pm.

The cardiologist was a Beatles fan.

    We went to the purple hospital with a pink interior (all the females wore pink, but not the
men).  Doctor found that Bob did not have a blocked artery, but was in need of a pacemaker.
So, on Valentine's Day, Bob had the pacemaker placed in his chest. Two days later, I was
driving us back to Coyote beach.  Friends helped us pack up all our camping gear over the
next week.

Bob after surgery, still in LaPaz.

This is the doctor's office-very modern; he had every possible machine and knew how
to operate them!

Here we are, ready to leave the beach and fly home.  Which we did on his birthday, Feb.22,
little suspecting what was to be our immediate future!!!

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