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Sunday, February 7, 2021


                    FICKLE FINGER OF FATE         


 This was our camp set up which we agreed was getting to be too much work for us.  So the plan was
to sell everything except the car and rent a place we found on Posada.  However, in January, Bob
began having difficulty breathing at times and retaining water.  In February, we were going to
Loreto to spend the weekend but stopped in at Dr. Fernando's so he could do a quick check. He
checked Bob's heart rate, saturation level, and blood pressure.  With a horrified look on his face,
he demanded that I drive Bob to La Paz (5 hour drive) to a cardiologist.  He thought Bob had a
blocked artery.  We got to the cardiologists office about 6 pm.

The cardiologist was a Beatles fan.

    We went to the purple hospital with a pink interior (all the females wore pink, but not the
men).  Doctor found that Bob did not have a blocked artery, but was in need of a pacemaker.
So, on Valentine's Day, Bob had the pacemaker placed in his chest. Two days later, I was
driving us back to Coyote beach.  Friends helped us pack up all our camping gear over the
next week.

Bob after surgery, still in LaPaz.

This is the doctor's office-very modern; he had every possible machine and knew how
to operate them!

Here we are, ready to leave the beach and fly home.  Which we did on his birthday, Feb.22,
little suspecting what was to be our immediate future!!!

Friday, April 12, 2019


Am I repeating myself?

My first sunrise photo this season!

This is our tenth year of coming down to Baja with our RV and some kind of boat.

We have experienced a real difference this year
our energy. and interest level,  Our age has a lot
to do with it.

So, big decisions have been made for next year!! We have decided to sell all our camping gear and stuff. This
includes the RV, the boat and trailer, and all the stuff that makes up the compound. We shall keep the car while
we come down to rent a place to stay.
Yes, you read it correctly. We have found a cute place on a neighboring beach (Posada) that we will rent for
next season. We are very excited about it. I am posting a few photos here for you to see.

The kitchen and dining area
The house has a flat roof which has been made into a deck. It's nice for catching cool breezes. 
The bedroom
The living room

Friday, January 12, 2018


And Christmas just went!!!

Playa el Coyote in the morning.

Father John walks with Turk  every morning.
Barb is known by the dogs on the beach as
the "cookie lady".

"Northenders" gathering for an early morning coffee and
cookies.  The turquoise house in the background is newly
built and nearly completed.  I like the bright, happy color!

The strange figure you see above represents a coyote, the symbol of our beach.  Our resident artist, Baja Bill,
constructed this statue.  For Christmas,
he hung ornaments made by campers
on the beach in previous years.  I show the one on the right because I made it 3 years
ago and decorated it with belly buttons!
On March first, the symbolical coyote shall
be torched in a blaze of glory which will
signal the approaching end of the dry
camping season. Much fun and frivolity
shall ensue.

We celebrated Christmas with our ukulele Carolers, the parade of Christmas ships, and our traditional luminaries. 
Then on Christmas morning, Susan of north beach hosted a cinnamon bun breakfast-gift exchange.  So much fun!!!

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Anything new?

The setup was new last year with the addition of the market tent
which became, when partitioned, Bob's boudoir, the kitchen and
the bano. This year, Bob has windows in his bedroom so he can
watch the sunrise while abed.

The full moon along with strong onshore winds
caused a really high tide that came up under
Bob's boudoir.  He was afraid he might float
Now, with the new moon, we are having some
exceptionally low tides.  The view of the Milky
Way at night is always spectacular!!

Bob and Nick (who is from Nova Scotia) taking the boat out for its first sail of the season.

They had a great time!

Friday, July 28, 2017

The rare perfect day on the beach

A week with an old friend
The ice cream store next to Orlando's in Loreto is a welcome treat.

At the end of February, my friend of long standing (ever since we were freshmen in college), came to Baja to stay with me for a week.

    On a lovely, warm day, we went for a pedal in the
Hobie without the mast on it.  We enjoyed the pedal
along Coyote Beach, but I had a definite feeling that
I was pedaling more than Doni!! Oh well, we were
both a little sore the next day.  

Doni and me

We had a fun week! Among our activities during the week, Doni went with me to craft class and created a very pretty
gourd; went to an art show at Sr Gecko's, and she learned how to play "31" one
afternoon at Bertha's.

This is not Doni's gourd but is
representative of what we make in class.

These gourds have seagrass collars.

We met some friends at Punta Chivato and enjoyed a lovely lunch at a small local hotel.

At the end of her week's visit, we spent a
night in Loreto, sight seeing and window-shopping.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The latest in beautiful sunrises!


A Hodgepodge of Photos

Bob got a spinnaker for the boat this season and has had much fun going out and practicing how to use it.

On Christmas Eve, we went to a party at KG
and Swanee's palapa at the north end of Coyote Beach. The food was good and the company even better.

These are some of the paintings that KG paints and sells.

Bano Bill built the larger than life representative
of Coyote Beach and etched some interesting
mazes and designs around it.  On March 11, many people gathered for the first annual burning
of the Coyote signaling the end of the season.