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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thanksgiving and other stories
Bob has been using a rocket stove to cook on besides the solar oven. The rocket stove can be used on cloudy days as it only needs twigs for fuel!! He also brought his pasta machine for making noodles. We eat very well here on the beach!!

Depending on how much wind we are getting, days are spent kayaking, sailing, or putting around in a zodiac.  Going fishing or shelling is a boating reason; following whale sharks or dolphins; or just getting exercise. On a very windy day, Bob rolled over in the sailboat in the surf! Thank goodness he wasn’t out in deep water!

I don’t know why I thought I needed to bring some Christmas decorations~~the stores in Mulege are full of them!!

Our Thanksgiving dinner at the Hotel Serenidad was very tasty, filling, and carried out well. We got there early enough to enjoy a pre-dinner drink and then filed through the well-organized buffet line.       During dinner started a very hard rain that continued through the evening and night. When we awoke in the morning we were greeted with “Coyote Lagoon” in the drive area between us and the outhouses.
This area does not drain well so some people got busy digging drainage channels.

Almost every day we have one or two whale sharks swimming back and forth in our bay. Invariably, people leap into kayaks and zodiacs to get closer to these giant fish.

It’s fascinating to get close enough to see their bodies and not just fins sticking out of the water.

P.S.  When I tried to send the above blog last week, I was including photos with a huge amount of pixels,  so obviously, it didn’t get sent. I have smallified them so I hope this gets through!!
We have just come off of a huge 4-day blow where we just hunker down on the leeward side of anything. The nights have been cold enough that we wish our Rvs were better insulated. Are you feeling sorry for us yet?

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